Oven-Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Onions

This so good and so easy. I tried adding some sweet Italian onions to this (you know, the purple oven roasted sweet potatoes and onionsones) to give it some color, but once they were cooked the color either turned to a light or dark gray. Still, this has become one of my favorite ways to eat sweet potatoes or yams. I hate any version that uses brown sugar or marshmallow. Sweet potatoes and yams are usually sweet enough with just a little butter on them. Sometimes I add a quarter cup or so of raisins, especially if I happened to get one of those sweet potatoes that has lost its sweetness along the way. One thing I like about this is that there are only five ingredients (six if you add the raisins) and, other than cutting the onions, is especially easy. Try to use a variety of  sweet onions, but the heavy tear-jerkers will work, too. Continue reading